Get a true grip on innovation leadership.

Learn how to turn innovative (business) ideas into reality. Meet the 7 roots and 7 milestones of getting there.

Innovation is like sex on the beach.
Sounds cool at first, but in reality,

Everyone claims they are great at it and they are doing all the time.

It's not as much fun as it sounds.

It's got a high risk of failure.

The sad reality of innovation processes:

Depressing as a leader

Leading those processes can easily become an especially challenging and unthankful task.

Disengaging as a team member

A badly led innovation process can easily become hard to bear, fogg y decision making, chaos instead of true agility.

Overall Annoying

They easily become super annoying instead of inspiring. You might muddle through but be completely done after it's done.

Meet your new companion for smooth innovation processes.

No need to read it from A to Z. Jump in wherever whenever you need it. In all the right formats that make it work for you.

Say hi to your portable innovation mentor.

Learn now

How to turn innovative (business) ideas into reality.

Things are so easy once a product and a market fit exist. But what if… you really have to (or want to) start from scratch.

That is a whole different story, isn’t it?

Meet the 7 Roots and 7 Milestones of Getting there.

This timeless and cross industry framework will allow you to be orientated and give orientation throughout the whole process.

Part 1: The 7 Magic Roots of Innovation


Internal congruence sets you up for a solid base. What plays into this, why this is so important and how to do it in a way that does not get you stuck in perfectionism.


Innovation needs originality otherwise it ends up either as a mediocre result (not good) or not able to differentiate enough in the market (even worse). How to make sure you got enough of that at your hands and how to access it – learn this here.


That might sound surprising, but getting the permission to truly innovate is not even that easy. Learn why and how to detect and remove its limitations here.


What most people are not aware of is that innovation is  a change process, though a really challening one due to the high levels of insecrutiy and risk involved. If we’re not careful, human energy will run out too early. This root here sets you up to make sure, you and your team always got enough (and the right kind of) energy you need to successfully innovate.


This root might come as a true surprise and it is indeed one of the massive game changers within the framework. Once you know about it, you’ll use it everywhere, not only in innovation, but throughout your life.


“Yep, of course one needs lots of confidence to innovate!” True, but do you already know how to create that confidence and keep it up over time. In real life, even when waves get choppy?


Isn’t this ‘just’ next-level confidence? Not really – and it adds a certain quality that might make or break the game. Learn about it here.

Part 2: The 7 Magic Milestones of Innovation

1. Set a Magic Intention

“Why are we not starting with a classic goal setting?” Because… there’s a really good reason for it and once you know it, you’ll never want to go back.

2. Prepare for the Journey

“Failing to prepare, is prearing to fail.” Even though innovation sounds often so spontaneous, for it to succeed in a team, you’ll need a solid set-up. Learn how to here.

3. Identify an Appropriate Starting Point

“But where shall we start?” Inst’t that THE key question of all innovation processes? We got a systematic answer for you. Never stare at the blank page of your project plan again.

4. Proceed with Manageable Steps

Note the “manageable”! Tasks well structured are tasks half done. You’ll know now how to lead your team and ease their work massively.

5. Keep the Innovation Engine and Fuel in Top Condition

Innovation is a challenging road – think Scottish Highlands, North African desert. Running out of fuel would be a disaster there and it would be in innovation. Though now you will know how to never let that happen.

6. Overcome Hurdles Along the Way

If there is one thing sure, it is that weird stuff will happen somewhere along the way. The only unknown is what it will be. Even though, there are systematic ways for how to handle it. Learn about them here.

7. Persevere and Make the Finish Line

The last meters can easily become the hardest. How to make things easier during that period for you and the team and make success more likely, this is what you’ll get the tools for here.

Get a complete framework instead of just a book.

This book is set up to make innovation work for you in real life with real human beings. It contains all you need for it while being condensed down to the essentials – leaving out any unnecessary trimmings or additions.

This book wants you to make daily use of it and make your life as an entrepreneur or innovation manager so much easier.

Brain- and humanfriendly from the inside out.

To achieve that, we made some tweaks. Check them out below.

Tweak 1

The Mindset Visuals

They will help you and your team to easily memorize and implement the main principles:

Tweak 2

Ebook + DIY Print PDF + Cheatsheets

When you buy the book “Magic Innovation Leadership”, in reality, you get much more than just an e-book. You’ll also get access to a beautifully designed printable pdf version. With ‘beautiful’ we mean: tweaked to make it as easy on the eyes and brain as anyhow possible. 

We want you to enjoy this tool.

Use it to print out cheat sheets or some of the visuals.

  • Use them for workshops with yourself or your team,
  • hang them on the wall for inspiration,
  • work with it and make innovation work for you.

The author of Magic Innovation Leadership Kristin Reinbach has been working with these tools for nearly 10 years now. Her startup and scaleup clients, as well as her team at her brand agency OVERW8, love the pragmatic yet hands-on coaching this provides.

Easy to digest

We've made sure that each chapter and subchapter is easy to overview, in itself independent and modular. Read and use as much or as little as you want.

Use what you need

... and when you need it. Especially the PDF version is so easy to search for a certain topic and dig deeper in that moment just on that topic. Use the hands-on advice as you see fit.

Make it your own

Print it out. Mark things up. Scribble on your printouts. Add post-its. Use a visual as your phone screen. Play with it and let it support you.

Kristin Reinbach

Kristin is an innovation and marketing expert with over 20 years of experience. 

She started developing the framework back in 2010 when she realized that ‘normal’ creativity methods did not really make the cut when it came to the development of innovative products and their go-to-market. 

She blocked a whole year off of her then consulting practice, krysalis consult, to research and create this framework and transform it into the (then German) handbook.

“Honestly, looking backwards, I am still surprised I managed to create something so useful. In a way, I have created the framework for all our work at OVERW8 Brand Agency. Or rather, it created us.”

Enjoy the Innovation Process for the Freedom it brings.

This is timeless cross-industry startup wisdom.

We’ve tested it. For over 10 years now.

As seen on

Loved by its users - leaders and team members alike

This framework has already now been a game changer for lots of innovation teams – and it can become your game changer now.

You're so close

Work with it so innovation works for you.

Magic Innovation Leader: Become one now.

More innovation competence equals higher success rates. Simple as that.
